Invest in saving our past

Help us save our great states past and heritage!

Invest in saving our past

Help us save our great states past and heritage!

The Platform


Serving The Community

 The Sunshine State Heritage Political Action Committee is a non-profit, non-partisan, voluntary committee of historical enthusiasts dedicated to preserving our past in the State of Florida. We have been involved in protecting street names, saving monuments,school and park names.  We have worked on House and Senate Bills in the state, county and city levels.


United By A Common Goal

Let's keep the great state of Florida's past and heritage alive.  Don't let our rich history and traditions disappear.  Get involved.


Get Involved

Help us support like minded candidates in the State of Florida.  Volunteer to help us out.  We need many people to help make us successful. To encourage other like minded people to become more involved in the political process whether it is running for office, contacting officials and letting them know your stance on an issue or volunteering to help educate and get the word out.  Please help out however you can. 

Volunteer here

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